We create

Tech companies

We independently decide what business we should start. We operate in new industries by creating partnerships with leading R&D centers and tech corporations.



We have made technopreneurship a profession accessible to any tech-savvy enterprising person. Our startups create hundreds of workplaces for entrepreneurs and engineers.

Job openings

Investment windows

We open up new opportunities for tech business investments every year. When there is a shortage of venture investment projects, we guarantee that our co-investors will enjoy quality and transparency of our companies.


Our achievements





4 years

of leadership among technology parks in Russia

logistic robots

Hybrid UAVs

Energy storage

Smart t-shirt

Merchandising robot

Energy accumulation

Logistic robots

Hybrid UAVs

Energy storage

Smart t-shirt

Energy accumulation

Merchandising robot

For us, company building is a technology that allows us to create high tech businesses twice as fast and 10 times as cheap as a single startup creator would. The performance of our innovation pipeline is designed to save time and capital for our clients, the company buyers.

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